What is The Experiment?
Welcome to The Pierogi Experiment! I’m Emily. I’m not a chef or professional blogger.
So why are you here then? Because you, like any sane person, love pierogi. How could you not! It’s a doughy pocket stuffed with warm savory or sweet goodness (think: carbs stuffed into carbs). I honestly don’t think I have ever met someone who didn’t love pierogi.
I grew up making pierogi with my family. My dad’s side of the family is 100% Polish, immigrating to the U.S. in the early 1900s. Every year my grandma would make hundreds of pierogi for our family Christmas Eve dinner, just like her mother did, and her mother before. As I got older, my family started to help, and eventually we took over the tradition. We stuck to the classics: potato + cheese and sauerkraut.
But why stop there. Fusions are all the rage in modern cooking and dining. What if we took the old world classic and brought it into the 21st century?
So that’s what I am here to find out!
Will all the recipes be good? I doubt it. Some might be down right weird. But thats the point. We will experiment with flavors and styles and learn as we go. Who knows maybe we will come up with the next great pierogi.
So join me here! I think its going to be a delicious journey!
Disclaimer: if you are a pierogi purist, this blog may not be for you. While we will be exploring some traditional pierogi (both family recipes as well as some classics) many of the recipes on this blog are going to take you out of your comfort zone.

Scenes from our family's pierogi parties. Don't mind the mess, its part of the fun.

Crisping them up with butter and onion.

My nephew, raising the next generation of pierogi makers

These are just a few!